Cubing At The Cube!  Directions to Discovery Science Center |
Discovery Science Center Santa Ana, California
May 5, 2007
Registration for this event is now closed.
NOTE: If you sign-up on the day of the competition, the only event for open registration is the 3x3x3 speed solve. Entry into the other events is discretionary.
Dear Puzzle Enthusiast and Competitor, I would like to welcome you to the Caltech Discovery Spring 2007 Rubik's Cube Competition.
Please be aware of all regulations set forth by the World Cube Association. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact a board member of the World Cube Association or a member of the Caltech Rubik’s Cube Club.
Events for this competition are listed below:
- 3x3x3 Speed Solve
- 3x3x3 One-Handed Speed Solve
- 3x3x3 Blindfold Solve
Thank you and we hope to see you in Santa Ana!
Dan Lo, Organizer
Schedule 10 AM - Registration 11 AM - 3x3x3 Speed Solve Round 1 12:30 PM - lunch break 1 PM - 3x3x3 Blindfold Final Round 2 PM - 3x3x3 Speed Solve Round 2 2:45 PM - 3x3x3 One-Handed Round 1 3:30 PM - Break 3:45 PM - 3x3x3 One-Handed Final Round 4:15 PM - 3x3x3 Speed Solve Final Round 4:45 PM - Awards |

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